I’m sure you’ve heard about Skechers Shape-Ups ($110 for the Breast Cancer Awareness Version). But what are they really like and do they work? In a nutshell, they ROCK!!
I recently received a pair to test out and I’ll admit, I was a bit intimidated by them. I was going out to the store, sans kids, and I figured I’d take them for a test run. They felt so odd that I quickly took them off, I wasn’t sure I should go to a supermarket with shoes that felt that different (Skechers describes the experience like walking in sand). A few days later, my friend Esti of primetimeparenting.com came over wearing hers and I related my experience. She laughed and said, “They’re great, try them again”. So, I pulled them out again. I walked around my apartment as our children played together and I loved the shoes! Esti and I agreed that they were like walking on a cloud – Skechers describes them like walking on sand.
Then came phase two: taking them to the streets. I decided to put them on to go get my lunch, taking the baby in his stroller. After a walk around the corner, I felt my calves working — like I had just done a long walk. Skechers recommends limiting daily sessions with the Shape-Ups to 25-45 minutes for the first 2 weeks, increasing you time in 5 – 10 minute increments. Walking in Shape-Ups to get stronger leg, rear end, back and ab muscles? Yeah, I’m into that!
Thank you to Skechers for sending a product sample.